Peiquan Jin Ph.D., Associate Professor
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and Data Engineering Laboratory (KDELAB) Email: jpq AT |
Room 1611, Science and Technology Laboratory Building |
Short Biography
Dr. Jin is an associate professor in the School of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2003. After that, he spent two years for his post-doc research in the Department of Electronic Engineering & Information Science at USTC. He was a visiting scientist in 2009 at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, hosted by Prof. Theo Härder. In 2014, he was a visiting professor at Aalborg University, Denmark, working with Prof. Christian S. Jensen.
Research Interests
Database Systems and Applications, e.g., Databases on New Storage and Moving-Object Databases
Big Data Management
Web Information Extraction and Retrieval
Links & Upcoming CFPs
Database Systems and Applications (for undergraduates)
Advanced Database Systems (for postgraduates)
Here are most of my recent international papers. [My DBLP record].
Here are some recent native publications.My books:
1. Database Principles and Applications (2012)
2. A First Course in Database Systems (authored by Jeffrey. D. Ullman, translator of the Chinese version) (2009)
3. Moving Object Databases (authored by Ralf Hartmut Güting and Markus Schneider, translator of the Chinese version) (2009)
Professional Services
Distinguished Member of CCF, Member of CCF-TCDB, Communication Member of CCF-TFBD
Member of ACM SIGSPATIAL China Chapter and ACM SIGMOD China Chapter
Workshop Co-Chairs: HardBD'14, HardBD'13, FlashDB'11
Publicity Chair: SpatialDI'24
PC Member:
Associate Editor: International Journal of Semantic Web and Information Systems (SCI)
Associate Editor: International Journal of Knowledge Society Research
Associate Editor: Open Journal of Databases
Guest Editor: Computers in Human Behavior (SCI)
Guest Editor: Data Technologies and Applications (SCI)
Guest Editor: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (SCI)
Journal Reviewer of IEEE Transactions (TKDE, TPDS, TC, TCAD, TBD, etc.), ACM Transactions (TACO, TECS, etc.), WWW J, DKE, JCST, FCS, DAPD, and many Chinese journals
Reviewer of the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Current Research Projects
"Research on NVM-Aware Indices and Adaptive Learning Methods for Hetegeneous Hybrid Memory", Supported by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), since 2021
"Big Data Query Optimization on New Storage", Supported by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), since 2017
"Integration and Fusion of Multi-Source Material Data", Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China, since 2018
"Fast Storage and Query over Electromagnetic Big Data", by the China Academy of Sciences, since 2017
"Efficient Storage and Processing of Big Sensing Data", by the "13th Five-Year Plan" Equipment Pre-Research Fund, since 2017
"PCM-based Data Management", Supported by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (joint project), since 2015
Awards and Honours
2022, LongHu Teaching Award of USTC
2021, CASES'21 Best Paper Award
2020, Outstanding Paper Award of 2020 Synposium on Big Data System
2019, NDBC'19 Best Paper Award
2017, West-Campus Outstanding Teaching Award of USTC
2017, NDBC'17 Best Student Paper Award
2015, DASFAA'15 Best Poster Award
2014, NPC'14 Best Paper Award
2012, Wong Kwancheng Award (First Class)
2012, NDBC'12 Best Paper Runner-up Award
2011, NDBC'11 Best Demo Award
2007, Award of Zhang Zongzhi Excellent Young Faculty
2006, Excellent Young Staff of USTC
2003, Presidential Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Sciences